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Saturday, February 2, 2013

One Hail Mary

I decided to facilitate a role-playing activity in preparation for Kate's First Holy Communion.

Me: I'll be the priest. Think of your sins and then pray the Act of Contrition.
Kate: Dear God, I am sorry for having offended you... (continues to pray)
Me: Okay Kate, what are your sins?
Kate: I broke a plate.
Me, does the sign of he cross with my hand: You are forgiveb. Pray one Hail Mary.
Kate, solemn face: One Hail Mary.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh, and happy birthday, Jesus!

Me: Why do we celebrate Christmas?
Kate: So we can give gifts and ask for gifts and be merry and happy and sing and dance and party and have fun.
Me: Yes... but also because it's Jesus' birthday.
Kate: Oh. I knew that.

The President speaks.

Kate: I'm the president of the Girls Club.
Me: Who's the president of the Boys Club?
Kate: Oh. Everyone's a president in the Boys Club.

Merry Christmas!

Me: What do we celebrate in December?
Kate: Christmas!
Me: In Tagalog, Pasko. When do we celebrate Pasko?
Kate: On December... 27!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Field Trip Woes

Yesterday was Kaitin's scheduled field trip to Goldilocks Cake City and Zoobic Safari. They hired 2 bus tour guides, who made the first part of the trip hilarious. Here are some quotable quotes from Kuya Arvi and Kuya Joel - I don't know who said what since we were seated at the far end of the bus:

"During da pild trip, don't trow your tras anywer, we have a tras here in da pront."

"Seben turty to eight turty is our trip to Goldilacks."

"Mos Asian cantrees are truffical."

"Wer das da word PASIG came prom?"
Kaitlin, raises her hand and shouts: "THE MAYOR!"

"Inaantok na ba kayo, mga kids? I see some sleepy here."

"Wat diprenshates a male lion from da female lion?"
Kaitlin shouts from the back: "THE MANE!"
Tour guide: "Wrong!"
Kate: "WHAT??"

"Bepor Highway Piftypor, wat was the name op EDSA?"
No one answers.
Me and other parents: "Sige Kuya, pag nasagot mo, bigyan ka namin ng prize."

"Why are tigers iscurry? Becos dey hev a sharp tit."

"Wen we enter da Soo, plis don't bring your foos en drinks."
Kaitlin: "Frozen what? What is he saying ba?"

HASHTAG: #FieldTripWoes

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Assignment: What reminds you of Jesus?

Christian Living assignment for the following day: Bring 5 things that remind you of Jesus.

Me: So what reminds you of Jesus, Kate?

Kate: Hmmm. (Looks around) A comb?

Me: Wha...? Why a comb?

Kate, shrugs: I don't know. (Whispers) When you said Jesus, I found a comb!

Everyone bursts out laughing.

Me: Ma! Ikaw na bahala dito sa assignment niya, please?

My mom (who is an avid church-goer): What reminds you of Jesus? Madami yan... e di a rosary!

Me: E five items daw.

My mom: E di five rosaries!

(Groom me, you dysfunctional family!)